10 Healthy Dinner Ideas ...


When you’re dieting or just trying to have a healthier eating plan, family dinner time is often the cause for most consternation. You might have to prepare a really yummy meal for the rest of the family to tuck into whilst you are left to pick at a salad or something that seems less appetizing. Here are 10 healthy dinner ideas everyone can enjoy together. Please note, each of the recipes is one serving so just multiply up if you are cooking for the family.

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You will need 5oz Salmon fillet, grilled or baked, with 4oz potato salad made from boiled potatoes mixed with a little low-fat mayonnaise and red onion. Serve with as much fresh asparagus as you like. You can use store-bought potato salad but making your own means you can control the amount of mayo.



Make fish kebobs by skewering cubes of firm white fish, like monkfish, with bell pepper, mushrooms and onions. Use as much of the vegetables as you like, but restrict fish to 4oz. Grill, then spoon over 2 tablespoons of ready-made sweet chilli sauce. Serve with a 7oz baked potato. This is not only a good healthy dinner idea but also perfect for barbecues.



Make some chilli from 4oz turkey mince or soya mince, 2oz canned kidney beans, 7oz tomatoes and ½ teaspoon chilli powder. Use to fill two taco shells and serve with ½ avocado, sliced. By all means, add salad. As a healthy dinner you will need to forego the cheese but you can allow the family to pile on the toppings if they like.



Spread a Mediterranean flatbread with ½ teaspoon harissa paste and 1 tablespoon of tsatziki. Fill with 3oz sliced roasted lamb, ½ oz pine nuts, diced cucumber and tomato. Serve with 2oz couscous.



Grill a 4oz fresh tuna steak and serve with 2oz brown rice and unlimited French beans. Squeeze lemon on fish when cooked.

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Burger and Fries

Forget the claim that burger and fries are not a healthy dinner idea. One low-fat quarter pound burger or veggie burger grilled and served with 5oz low fat oven fries served with 2 tablespoons tomato salsa and 3 tablespoons of coleslaw is perfectly ok.


Chicken Caesar Salad

To any amount of lettuce you like, add 2 tablespoons of low-fat Caesar dressing, 1oz croutons and 1oz parmesan cheese. Top with 4oz sliced grilled chicken breast.



Healthy dinner ideas involving steak unfortunately are pretty limited but the classic is to have a grilled 4oz lean steak with 5oz boiled new potatoes, 2 grilled tomatoes and unlimited French beans.


Lamb Cutlet

Grill 4oz lamb cutlets/chop and remove all fat removed after cooking. Serve with 5oz lima (butter) beans mashed with 2 teaspoons of low fat sour cream and a 1 corn on the cob.


Veggie Stir Fry

Make a stir fry of 4oz firm tofu, 1oz cashew nuts and unlimited amounts of mange tout, baby corn and red bell pepper cooked in 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon olive oil, a little chilli and soy sauce. Serve with 2oz (dry weight) egg noodles.

These healthy dinner ideas should give you some good ideas of how to pep up your diet dinner times. There’s no need to give up any of your favorites. If you are sensible and these recipes are also suitable for adapting to cook for the whole family.

If anyone has got other quick and easy healthy dinner ideas, please share.

Top Photo Credit: Elitsa

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