9 Quick Easy Low Calorie Holiday Treats ...


9 Quick  Easy Low Calorie Holiday Treats ...
9 Quick  Easy Low Calorie Holiday Treats ...

Low Calorie Holiday Treats are so fun to make! The holidays are right around the corner and if you’re looking for a way to keep trim – but still have the sweets, I got you! I – personally (or the Better Half ‘cause I actually suck at cooking … or boiling water in general) has actually cooked these and I gotta say, they are friggin’ awesome! So ladies, below, I’ve got low calorie holiday treats that will make your mouth water and your hips breathe a sigh of relief. So let’s kick this list of the top 9 low calorie holiday treats!

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1. Low Fat Bread Pudding

at delicious-low-fat-recipes.com
I love bread pudding. No, guys, I'm serious, I friggin' love bread pudding. While you don't often think of bread pudding as one of the low calorie holiday treats, this one is definitely low-fat and low-cal! It's also – really delicious!

2. Skinny Chocolate Cookies

at blog.washingtonpost.com
The holidays are not complete without making cookies right? I know that around my house, some of the low calorie holiday treats that smell up the entire house are all cookies. That's why these delicious and low-fat skinny chocolate cookies are perfect! Make up a batch and leave 'em for Santa – he'll definitely appreciate it!

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3. Pumpkin Mousse Pie

at cdkitchen.com
One of the biggest staples for low calorie holiday treats in my house is pumpkin pie. I've actually found a different version of pumpkin pie though that is so, so delicious yet so low in fat! It's a pumpkin mousse pie, complete with whipped cream. Try it ladies, it's so good!

4. Strawberry Trifle

at forums.families.com
Now, before I tried this low calorie holiday treats recipe, I had never, ever had a strawberry trifle. Now though? It's the first thing I make when the holidays roll around! It's fresh, fruity and absolutely scrumptious!

5. Chocolate Angel Food Cupcakes

at foodfetishist.blogspot.com
Angel food cake is one of the hardest cakes in the world for me to make. I've never been able to master that bunt pan and all it has to offer. Know what a great alternative to a bunt pan? Cupcakes! These delicious chocolate angel food cupcakes are so light, so airy and they'll be gone within seconds of putting them down!

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6. Brownies

at startcooking.com
What holiday party is complete without brownies? Don't worry about the calories with this one ladies, because it's so low, you won't have to break your diet! That is, if you get one before your family eats them all.

7. Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Cake

at orangette.blogspot.com
I love cake. I love cake so much, I think I could eat it all the time. That doesn't mean that it's good for me, but when you have a vanilla bean cake like this? Maybe I could get away with eating two slices. It's so sweet, so good and so low in calories!

8. Rice Pudding

at food.com
Rice pudding isn't something that I have traditionally served in the past, but last year, I started the tradition and now we have rice pudding at every holiday. Thanksgiving? Rice pudding. Christmas? Rice pudding. It's a neat and unique pudding that my family loves!

9. Chocolate Souffle Torte

at esurientes.blogspot.com
It's totally a myth that souffle is super hard to make. You just have to follow the recipe, make sure that you beat all of those egg whites and you'll be fine. This souffle? Oh man ladies, you're going to love it!

Finding the right low calorie holiday treats for your next holiday party doesn't have to be work! In fact, these low calorie holiday treats are delicious, totally easy to make and will make a huge splash at your next holiday party! So ladies, what traditional desserts do you have at your holiday dinners?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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